
embroidered carpet中文什么意思

发音:   用"embroidered carpet"造句
  • 绣花地毯
  • embroider:    vt. 1.刺绣,在…上绣花。 2.修饰,润色,渲染。 ...
  • carpet:    n. 1.地毯,桌毯;毛毯,绒毯。 2.【建筑】磨耗层。 ...
  • embroidered:    绣花的
  • carpet:    n. 1.地毯,桌毯;毛毯,绒毯。 2.【建筑】磨耗层。 3.地毯状覆盖物。 4.(装在飞机上的)雷达电子干扰仪。 carpet of flowers 繁花似锦。 on the carpet 1. 在审议中,在研究中。2. (仆役,下级等)被叫去,被训斥 to have sb. on the carpet责备某人。 be called on the carpet for sth. 为某事被召去受责备。 red carpet 红地毯;〔比喻〕隆重的接待[礼遇]。 roll out the red carpet for sb. 铺开红地毯接待某人。 shove sth. under the carpet 掩盖某事。 vt. 1. 在…上铺绒毯[地毯(等)];把(花等)栽成地毯状。 2.〔英国〕把(仆役等)叫来责斥。 n. -ing 地毯料子[织品];〔集合词〕地毯,桌毯。 adj. -less 没有铺地毯的。
  • on the carpet:    在被考虑中, 被训斥
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  1. With the capacity of accommodating 12 people , it adopts the new zealand pure wool manual embroidered carpet , exquisite decorations , and fine equipment . it is the best place for business talk
  2. The mat and the woven carpet derived from it , later the embroidered carpet , were the earliest spatial dividers and thus became the basic motive for all later wall decorations and for many other related branches of industry and architecture
  3. The mat and the woven carpet derived from it , later the embroidered carpet , were the earliest spatial dividers and thus became the basic motive for all later wall decorations and for many other related branches of industry and architecture



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